Professor Emeritus Fujio Yamamoto won the "MIT App Inventor of the Month" Award

Professor Emeritus Fujio Yamamoto won the "MIT App Inventor of the Month" award.

“Noise Reduction QA," a smartphone application developed by Professor Emeritus Fujio Yamamoto, former professor of the Department of Information and Computer Sciences, has been selected as "2022 September's MIT App Inventor of the Month, Adult Inventor category" by MIT CSAIL, Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, USA.

This application is a demonstration program to reduce noise superimposed on black and white images using a CMOS annealing machine manufactured by Hitachi with a method called quantum annealing. Annealing machines work in a completely different way than conventional computers and are expected to solve complex "combinatorial optimization" problems at high speed. This application was developed to familiarize users with such quantum annealing from a familiar smartphone.

・MIT App Inventor of the Month:

Congratulations to September's Adult Inventors!の区分

・Explanatory page for this application: