Center for Basic Education and Integrated Learning

The Center for Basic Education and Integrated Learning is responsible for liberal arts, health and physical education. These will be a basis for students to become a member of society. The goals are three fold; namely to improve students’ learning ability, to provide basic knowledge within a particular field, and to offer teacher training courses. It means we lay a foundation for students to succeed in society.

Humanities and Social Sciences

  • SHIDAMA Shinri

    SHIDAMA Shinri Professor

    [Key Words]
    • Japanese Literature
    • Contemporary Thought
    [Research Themes]
    • Japanese modern and contemporary literature
    • Literary theories
    • Studies of culture and representaion
  • MIURA Naoko

    MIURA Naoko Professor

    [Key Words]
    • Sociological Theory / Sociology of Science and Technology
    [Research Themes]
    • Research on Theories and Methods of Bourdieu's Sociology
    • Applied Research on Habitus in the Information Society
    • Sociological Survey of Information Security
    • Science, Technology and Society

Health and Physical Education

  • TAKASHIMA Wataru

    TAKASHIMA Wataru Associate professor

    [Key Words]
    • Exercise Physicology / Strength & Conditioning
    [Research Themes]
    • Health benefits of cycling, mountaineering and nordic walking
    • Aerodynamics and riding position in road and track cycling
    • Effect of posture change on muscle activity and efficiency during cycling

Foreign Languages

  • OHKI Tom

    OHKI Tom Professor

    [Key Words]
    • British and American Poetry/ History of Medieval and Renaissance Thought
    [Research Themes]
    • English Poetry of the 16th and 17th Centuries
    • Mysticism
    • Ancient and Medieval Number Symbolism
  • IWAMOTO Hiromichi

    IWAMOTO Hiromichi Associate professor


  • TAKEDA Yuichi

    TAKEDA Yuichi Professor

  • TSUCHIYA Yohei

    TSUCHIYA Yohei Professor

    [Key Words]
    • I am interested in analyzing various physical models using the technique of integrable systems
    [Research Themes]
    • Coherent states in quantum integrable systems
    • Lambert W functions on Riemann surfaces of higher genus
    • Statistical aspects in pari-mutuel betting systems
    • Statistical aspects in traffic jams
  • FUJIMORI Masami

    FUJIMORI Masami Associate professor

    [Key Words]
    • Galois representation
    • Diophantine approximation
    • Rational points of algebraic varieties
    [Research Themes]
    • To understand the structures of number fields and relevant objects


  • ISHIWATA Ryozo

    ISHIWATA Ryozo Professor

    [Key Words]
    • Fluid Mechanics / Fluid Engineering
    • Flow Visualization
    • Diffusion of Misrecognition on Fluid Mechanics
    • Development of Teaching Materials on Fluid Mechanics
    [Research Themes]
    • Diffusion of Misrecognition on Bernoulli Equation in Scientific Books
    • Diffusion of Misunderstood Principle on an Airfoil in Scientific Books
    • Diffusion of Misrecognition on Velocity Distribution of a Bending River
    • Development of Non-contact Handling Device with a swirling Flow
    • Aerodynamic Interference between Passing Vehicles
  • KAMIYA Katsumasa

    KAMIYA Katsumasa Professor

    [Key Words]
    • Computational Nano- and Bio-Materials Sciences
    [Research Themes]
    • QM/MM Molecular Dynamics Simulations for Protein Catalytic Reactions
    • First-Principles Molecular Dynamics Simulations for Nano-Materials
    • First-Principles Electron-Structure Calculations for Nano-Materials
  • YAMAMOTO Kazuo

    YAMAMOTO Kazuo Professor

    [Key Words]
    • Computational Physics
    • Research on condensed matters by the first-principles simulations
    [Research Themes]
    • First-principles studies for surfaces and interfaces of materials
    • Development of an accurate numerical integration and its application to molecular orbital calculations
    • Theoretical studies on charge exchange between an ion and a solid surface
  • KURITA Yasunari

    KURITA Yasunari Associate professor

    [Key Words]
    • Theoretical Physics: The ultimate purpose in my research is to clarify the essence of black hole thermodynamics and quantum gravity. I also aim to contribute to the advancement of widespread physics
    [Research Themes]
    • Three-dimensional quantum gravity, CFT description of BTZ black hole thermodynamics
    • Spacetime analogue of Bose-Einstein condensates
    • Black hole thermodynamics in higher dimensions


  • KODAMA Takeshi

    KODAMA Takeshi Professor

    [Key Words]
    • Physical Chemistry / Fullerene and Endohedral Fullerene
    [Research Themes]
    • Spectroscopic Study for C60 Radical Anion
    • Structural Study for Metallofullerenes by 13C NMR
    • Magnetic Study for Metallofullerenes by ESR and SQUID

    FUJIMURA Yo Professor

    [Key Words]
    • Chemical Reaction Dynamics / Back End of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle
    [Research Themes]
    • Chemical Reaction Dynamics of Simple Gas Phase Molecules
    • Basic Research of Atmospheric and Combustion Reaction
    • Safety of Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste