
Kenichiro Nakabe

Kenichiro Nakabe

Chairperson of the Board of Trustees

Founded in 1963 as Ikutoku College of Technology, we are growing to celebrate our 60th anniversary in 2023. At the beginning, only three major departments were established: Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Chemical Technology. Expansion though has allowed the school to tailor itself as a higher science educational institute containing mechanical, electrical, chemical, biological technology to information science and life-health related departments, accounting for over 5,000 students among 13 departments, 5 faculties and 6 graduate courses. We will keep striving to cultivate students that will play an active part in the upcoming era, accomplishing this through the cross-section education and research.
Here at our university, we provide a variety of support for students, offering them the best academic and student life possible. Additionally, we not only provide a safe and nurturing environment for our student body, but also continue to support them by regularly maintaining campus infrastructure and equipment, ensuring greater educational outcomes.

Kazumi Komiya

Kazumi Komiya


Our educational goal, based on our foundational principal “Educating leading engineers contributing to the scientific and technological nation”, is described as [to] “Grow people to think and act; the people who contribute to society with knowledge and character”. In order to achieve this, we take a “student-centered approach”: as well as finding their great potential, drawing out their hidden talents and allowing them to grow more, faculty and staff members always strive to place the students in the center of every educational activity.
For example, the great educational environment, the programs designed for each student, the campus support enabling their inner growth and heartfelt care from the faculty and staff: all are tailored for the betterment of the students. Our continuous focus is on raising the quality of our educational activities, especially in the general study course across the departments, career development education for professionals, and Unit Programs derived from Project Based Learning. Also, now is the time that people value “humanity” rather than material wealth and we will keep striving for the human wellbeing through our research and education. To respond to such social demands, we have established 16 laboratories in the fields of environment & energy, life & health, and information technology which will be conceived as the three major pillars of our education. We are currently involved in projects focusing on reducing CO2 emission, solar energy development, fuel battery creation, nutrition and life science issues, health science and assistive technology, biotechnology, info-systems, robotics, info-security, and human media. These efforts are producing results through co-researching with local enterprises involving our students in these hands on projects. Kanagawa Institute of Technology continues to educate future engineers and professionals utilizing our student-centered approach.