Outline about KAIT Workshop

Background of establishment
KAIT workshop is established to realize the hope and dream of making creative goods freely. So it is not for the curriculum of this University.
Function of Workshop
We supply 5 items: a house, facilities, tools, materials, and advisers.
This house is not divided by walls.
The aim is students’ collaboration and unique ideas.
The planner is Mr. Junya Ishigami. He is an up- and coming young designer. Our concept
is to “make creative goods in woods”.
The space of Workshop is 2000㎡ and the height of roof is 5m. The slope of roof is 1/75.
This roof is supported by 305 pillars. And 42 thick pillars take charge of weight of
roof and 263 thin pillars take charge of side shaking. Main color is white.
Ventilation is push- pull system. There are 20 air- conditioning units.

Facilities are composed by pottery, lost waxes- casting, modelling- machine, metal machine, CO₂-
LASER machine,
woodwork, and 3D printer.
(A1- size printing machine, iron- printing machine, cutting machine, laminate machine.)
Principal materials, electronic and mechanical parts are in preparation.
Advisers are 5 staffs and 5 side- job students.
Birdman- plane, solar car and several samples of each facilities are displayed.
Examples of activities
- Free production of individual and group
- Parts- production of researches
- Science- school and experience- school of regional inhabitants
- Contest and exhibition of products