Ranked No. 3 in the nation in the "Valuable Universities: Employment Ability Ranking 2024-2025

"Valuable Universities: Employment Ability Rankings 2024-2025, published in Jun. 2024”, produced based on the results of a survey of university images as seen by corporate HR recruiters. The rankings are based on the results of questions asked of personnel recruiters from publicly listed and leading non-listed companies about the image of students hired, university initiatives, and other factors. In this ranking, KAIT graduates and the university's job placement support were highly evaluated in various respects in the overall rankings in small universities edition.

Main rankings of the University(Small Universities’ Edition P41~)

3rd place
By Area (Kanto Koshinetsu area)
1st place
1st place
Interpersonal skills
3rd place
6th Place
Intellectual and academic ability
9th Place