High School-University Collaboration

Agreement Concluded with Hiratsuka Agricultural and Commercial Senior High School in Kanagawa Prefecture Concerning Educational Exchange

President Toshinao Kawai on the left and President Kazumi Komiya on the right
President Toshinao Kawai on the left and President Kazumi Komiya on the right

On Jul. 4th, an agreement signing ceremony for educational exchange with Kanagawa Prefectural Hiratsuka Agricultural and Commercial Senior High School took place at KAIT.

At the signing ceremony, Toshinao Kawai, Principal of Hiratsuka Agricultural and Commercial Senior High School, and President Kazumi Komiya signed the agreement and exchanged opinions on future initiatives. Principal Kawai expressed his expectations for future collaboration activities as follows. "Our school is a technical l high school with both an agriculture and commerce department. This year, more than 30 schools in Kanagawa Prefecture were selected for the DX High School program, a budget-supported program by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, and our school was also approved. We are currently discussing initiatives to achieve this. I hope that this collaboration will be an opportunity for our school to utilize and deepen your expertise in the field of information science.

 President Komiya also commented, "Last year, our university celebrated its 60th anniversary, and in April, we reorganized our undergraduate departments and made a fresh start. We have many fields in common with your school. If you need specialized knowledge for a new initiative, we have a wealth of educational resources, and we hope that you will take advantage of this collaboration to mutually develop human resources for the next generation." develop the next generation of professionals.