Faculty of Applied BioscienceDepartment of Applied Bioscience
International students can also apply.
With the advent of biotechnology, huge leaps have been made in the various research fields directly linked to our lives, including medicine, food production, food safety, environmental cleanup, and more. The educational goal of this department is to impart students with the basic knowledge they need to play an important role in the life sciences—and further train them in the latest life science technology fields—giving them the skills they need not only to make a difference in the local region but also the world, to be able to work on an global scale, and to facilitate the field of bioscience in general.
The Department offers the following courses enabling students to deepen their areas of specialization.
Health and Medical Bioscience
Students learn about medicine and diagnostics.
Ex: Medical diagnostic (enzymatic analysis/enzyme immunity)/biologically active substances
(medicinal action)/regenerative medicine (tissue culture)/biomedical material (biocompatible
Environmental Bioscience
Students learn about environmental remediation.
Ex: Bio-process (green bio)/environmental preservation (bio-remediation)/search and application
of enzymes and microorganisms/structure and function of biopolymers
Food Bioscience
Students learn about functional food and supplements.
Ex: Food analysis/food processing (enzymes and microorganisms)/functional food and
supplements/food safety (microorganisms and sterilization)/enzymatic food and genetically
engineered food
Cosmetic Bioscience
Students learn about biotechnologies in support of beauty.
Ex: Functional cosmetics/cell cultivation (tissue culture)/anti-aging/skincare/analysis of
biologically active substances
Plant Bioscience
Students learn about gene recombination and tissue culture.
Ex: Genetically modified pants/tissue culture/effects of useful plants/effective use of useful
General Bioscience
Students learn about the entire span of biosciences.
Ex: Bio-assistive technologies/instrumental analysis/acquisition of certification